Saturday, August 31, 2019


Expository plan must be built for completeness Information must be valuable and complete. The point of the topic must be specific enough to explain the subject and it seeks to answer what, why, and how. Expository plan must be built for progress Writing must have unity, from old to new or from simple to complex or known to unknown or specific to general or general from to specific or less important to more important. Expository plan must be built for Adaptation In order to be clear, explanation must be clear for suitable audience.The Exposition of an Abstract Term or concept Anything that has no pictorial representation that we know are true; but exist only in our mind. Abstract term begin with a definition. It consist of the term, Genus, and Differentiation. Writing a good exposition of an abstract term must be: 1. Be sure you are explaining the subject not talking about it. 2. Use the simplest and most familiar diction possible, especially if your exposition is more formal sort. 3. Study various methods of exposition, select the best one suitable for you.Elimination – explaining a thing by telling what is not. Analysis – dividing the subject into its feature. Comparison and Contrast -? defining words which have a tendency to occur with or to be confused with certain companion words. Illustration – the easiest and natural method of exposition. Giving example of illustration of object to be defined. A serious problem in the abstract term or concept is that length. It may be full length or full length composition or in which the subject is amplified by various methods or by one developed to its utmost.It may be a paragraph developed by concentrating on the main features of the subject and relying for effect upon wise selection and presentation. Most frequently it is a paragraph or page in longer essay. The exposition of a process Sequential operation and action by which something is done or made. Whenever you are trying to tell a person how to do something or how other people do something. Followed by a time pattern sometimes w/o conscious planning or explaining events in order. James M. Micron gives four common types of exposition process: â€Å"how-to-do-it† process, give direction. How-it-works† process, shows a n operation (often mechanical). Usually follows a time order and resembles narration. â€Å"how-it-is-organized† process, show complexity in organization function by breaking into department and it is functional rather than chronological. â€Å"how-did-it-happen† process, seek to cause for a known effect such as why or how the event occurred. Exposition of a process has two different aims. First, try to give the reader an understanding of the process without assuming that he/she will undertake itself. Second, give the reader a direction. Planning and organizing depend on the subject.If the process is informal, your readers is to follow directions himself. Whether if it is formal or informal, unity is required in the process if you wish to emphasize. Comparison and Contrast Comparison meant to show likeness and Contrast shows differences between two subject areas. For example, A is better than B or more interesting than B, or more useful than B. The two statements need strong control and organization. Character Sketch Process of writing individual trait to set forth idea or detailing of a characteristics of some personified animal or thing. Enhanced by the use of incidental description.To sketch a character is essentially explaining that character. It is not describing a person physically but present to his character. Two kind of character sketch are individual concerns particular person and type characteristic common to a group. Ways to develop character sketch. A) Leading characteristics of the subject are enumerated and each one is taken up for discussion. B) Development may be anecdotal; it may relate a story illustrate particular trait in a person. C) Pro minent characteristic may be emphasized and the other characteristic placed in subsidiary relationship .The Essay is an exposition of author's thought or reflection on some subject of human interest. Two kinds of essay: Formal Essay -? main purpose is to give information and instruction. Brief in scope, usually impersonal in tone, it addressed primarily intellect, may deal with variety of subject. Great structure, method of development and manner of expression Informal Essay – frankly and mainly to entertain. Observed in a free method way and does not attempt to discuss subject exhaustively , nor does it deal with subjects that call for elaborate explanation.Personal in tone and point of view written in natural conversation. Comment or Criticism Review and criticism are forms of exposition. Usually published in periodicals, magazine, and written in a large variety of subjects. Anything that evokes opinion or judgment. Three kinds of criticisms: Criticism by use of standard â €“ assume that certain qualities tend to appear n all great literature. Historical Criticism -? evaluating influence of a writer or his work upon writers who followed him. Impressionistic or personal criticism – by telling what you think or feel, more Objective standards , narrow or superficial.Practical suggestions for your criticism: 1. Have background of knowledge 2. Have prejudice from training, race, religion, politics, occupation, and localities 3. Analyze a piece of writing 4. Choose something of your own interest as well as your own knowledge 5. Select a definite, limited central idea 6. Test your opinions carefully Us Mary Exposition Exposition that states and explains briefly the subject Of any spoken or written composition of considerable length. CLASSIFICATION AS A TECHNIQUE OF EXPOSITION Classification is a significant and informative grouping of things, activities, and ideas.Ruling principle is to unite idea or point of view use in the art of classifying. â €Å"A classification is useless it leads somewhere†. Suggestion for meaning classification: 1. Make clear what is being classified 2. Choose (and state) a significant, useful basis or guiding principle for the classification 3. Take care to limit yourself one basis at a time in listing members of class 4. Name the species according to given basis 5. Make sure that each species is separate and distinct that there is no overlapping 6.Help readers understand the distinct between two species 7. Make certain that in a classification (where a species listed in accordance with the major basis becomes a genus) Partition in Exposition Partition is the act of dividing a unit into its component part and does not necessarily have anything in common beyond the fact that they belong to the same unit. Hammers may be logically divided according to its physical characteristics. Classification always deals with several units while partition eels only part of a unit. A hammer head w/o handle is hammer.The head and the handle are component parts of only one unit. Suggestion for clear and meaningful partition: 1 . â€Å"Any breakdown of a subject for purposes of discussion should be done in accordance consistent point of view, or basis, and basis must adhered throughout any single phase of the discussion†.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Impact of New Deal on Maerican Government and Society Essay

FDR’s New Deal changed the face of American government. Never before and no one since has implemented so many government programs and agencies. FDR’s New Deal helped the US get out of the Great Depression. The new deal expanded the federal government’s power like never before and was designed to help Americans who were suffering. FDRs new deal can be broken down into two categories: The first New Deal and the Second New Deal When FDR took office, he and his advisors did not have an exact plan or initial philosophy drawn up, but rather, they made it up as they went along. They were willing to do anything and everything to help bring the country out of the great depression, especially through the work of capitalism. To get his plan rolling, the first thing FDR needed to do was to restore confidence in the American people and get them on his side. He did so he went on the radio many times out of the year and told them what he was working on and what he had done that week which became known as â€Å"fireside chats. † The first thing FDR did in the first new deal was restore faith in financial institutions, and more so in capitalism. One thing FDR tries to do is have the public confident in banking system so that people would invest and could later have a healthy stock market. Immediately, he declared a bank holiday, and all banks had to close for a number of days. While the banks were closed, he sent in teams of financial investigators to determine which banks were viable and which were deemed unreliable. If deemed unviable, it could not reopen until it fixed its problems. Next, FDR created the SEC. The SEC was created to regulate the stock market, so the faulty trading that caused the crash could not occur again. The SEC also required companies who traded stock to make their financial books made public, and was ultimately designed to get people to invest in stock market again. Later, FDR created the FDIC. The FDIC was a government agency that was to ensure bank deposits as long as the bank met certain criteria. These 3 are careful steps of the gov’t working within the established system and basically put gov’t regulation in place to make sure the economy worked correctly. The second entity in the first new deal was an attempt to end the economic downturn. To do this, FDR needed to create jobs and help the economic markets. First, FDR created the NRA. The NRA set up a voluntary committee consisting of workers, business owners, and gov’t officials for every industry in the country. These committees would discuss production limits (which FDR believed overproduction was the cause of the GD), minimum prices, and wages. This did not work well because it was voluntary and businesses would usually break their part of the agreement. Next, FDR created AAA. This set up a government agency to pay farmers to produce less. FDR believed crop prices fell due to overproduction and that the AAA would solve this in two ways: 1, farmers would produce less therefore increasing crop prices and 2: by giving farmers much needed cash in return for not producing. Lastly, FDR created the TVA. This government agency created jobs by going into valleys to build hydroelectric dams that not only stop flooding, but create electricity. The AAA and TVA are considered very bold moves by the president because it allowed gov’t to interfere with private industry, and can even be argued as socialism. The last thing FDR wanted to do with the first new deal was provide direct relief to individuals. First, FDR gave states federal grants to buy food for those who needed it. Second, he created the CCC. This government agency gave men whose parents were unemployed jobs in the federal park/forest system. This program paid men around 30$ a month, of which 25$ would go to their parents, but it also clothed and fed them. This agency created jobs by having these men plant trees, build roads, trails, and bridges. Even though we did not need these things, the government was basically saying they would be the employer of last resort if the private sector was not supplying jobs. Third, FDR created FHA. This government agency was created to ensure home loans, so banks would again give out to potential home buyers. This was important because it put an influx of capital into the system. The characteristic of these three agencies was that the gov’t is beginning to say that everyone should have basic standards of living and that if they are ot there, the gov’t will be able to provide them, and even goes much further later on. After the first new deal, FDR received criticism from both from the left and the right political spectrums. Those on the right would say that the New Deal was â€Å"gov’t expansion gone crazy† and a radical departure from the past. They would also argue that it was dangerous gov’t intervention putting US on path of socialism. The Supreme Court, which was very conservative at the time, saw this as a dangerous expansion of federal government power and struck down the AAA and NRA as unconstitutional. FDR got most criticism from right from a popular radio speaker named Charles Coughlin who believed the GD/New deal was part of a Jewish conspiracy. On the left side of the spectrum, one would say that the New Deal did very little and not enough. FDR was criticized by the left primarily by Huey Long. He claimed wealthy Americans controlled all wealth and the only way to fix that was to give it back to common people. It was by far the most radical offer, and although Long was murdered, FDR believed left critique could still resonate and created the second new deal. Because of these criticisms, FDR unrolls the second new deal to answer those on the left. The second new deal had all the same goals as the first, but was much more radical. First, he created the REA. This government agency loaned to local communities that did not have electricity so that they could create their own power companies and run electricity to those who didn’t have it because private companies were only willing to supply to heavily populated areas. Here, the government is saying they will help provide a basis of living. Next, FDR created the WPA. This program was designed to put people to work since the private sector was not providing any jobs. It created construction jobs, employed painters to decorate buildings, hired actors and writers to put on play, etc. Third, FDR created the largest program of the new deal–social security. It was divided into 3 categories: retirement (which took a portion of your paycheck and saved it), unemployment (which gave you a check for the first 6 months unemployed), and money for single mothers. The characteristic of SS was that it insured basic standards of living. Lastly, FDR created the NLRB, which forever changed the ov’ts relationship with unions. It made unions legal and made it illegal to fire someone for being in a union. The new deal was the largest expansion of government in history and had three basic characteristics: new role of organized labor, government ensuring basic standards, and government intervention in the economy. However, it did not end the Great depression. Despite this, it made the great depression tolerable, restored middle class belief in capitalism, put in place a â€Å"safety system† for capitalism that essentially made capitalism work better (sec, nrwb), and we continue to live with many of these programs today.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Summer Sport Camp at State University

14th MANCO Linear Programming Approach for Irrigation Scheduling – A case Study H. MD. AZAMATHULLA, Senior Lecturer, River Engineering and Urban Drainage Research Centre (REDAC), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia; email: [email  protected] usm. my, [email  protected] com (author for correspondence) AMINUDDIN AB GHANI, Professor, REDAC, Universiti Sains Malaysia, email: [email  protected] usm. my NOR AZAZI ZAKARIA, Professor, REDAC, Universiti Sains Malaysia, email: [email  protected] usm. my CHANG CHUN KIAT, Science Officer, REDAC, Universiti Sains Malaysia, email: [email  protected] sm. my Abstract There is an increasing awareness among irrigation planners and engineers to design and operate reservoir systems for maximum efficiency to maximize their benefits. Accordingly, significant work has been done on reservoir operation for known total irrigation demand and on the optimal allocation of water available to c rops at the farm level. Very few studies have been conducted to derive optimal reservoir operation policies integrating the reservoir operation with the on-farm utilisation of water by the various crops.This present paper deals with the development of model — Linear Programming (LP) — to be applied to real-time reservoir operation in an existing Chiller reservoir system in Madhya Pradesh, India. Keywords: Cropping pattern, Water resource management, Irrigation management, Optimization 1. Introduction In most developing countries, a huge share of the limited budget goes to creating facilities for irrigation. Construction of reservoirs requires very high investment and also causes socioeconomic and environmental issues.Water in the reservoir has multiple claimants and needs to be optimally utilized to generate maximum benefits through proper operation, which must remain consistent despite uncertain future inflows and demands. According to the World Commission on Dams, ma ny large storage projects worldwide are failing to produce the anticipated benefits (Labadie, 2004). Similarly, small storage projects made for local areas in developing countries, like India, are also failing to meet expectations.The main cause identified at various levels of discussion, as reported by Labadie (2004), is inadequate consideration of the more mundane operation and maintenance issues once the project is completed. For existing reservoirs, optimum operation is critical, since all the expected benefits are based on timely water releases to meet the stipulated demand. Real-time operation of a reservoir requires making relatively quick decisions regarding releases based on short-term information. Decisions are dependant on the storage in the reservoir and information available in the form of forecast hydrologic and meteorological parameters.This is especially important during floods and power generation, where the system has to respond to changes very quickly and may need to adapt rapidly (Mohan et al. 1991). For reservoir systems operated for irrigation scheduling, real-time operation is not very common because of longer decision steps. Traditionally, the reservoirs meant for irrigation purposes are operated on heuristics and certain rules derived from previous experiences. This defies the concept of water-management; much of the water is lost, which in turn leads to loss of revenue.In the early 1960s, mathematical programming techniques became popular for reservoir planning and operation; pertinent literature is available. An excellent review of the topic is given by Yeh (1985), followed by Labadie (2004) and Wurbs (1993). Along with simulation studies, Linear Programming (LP), Dynamic Programming (DP) and Non Linear Programming (NLP) are the most popular modelling techniques. A comparative study on the applicability and computational difficulties of these models is presented by Mujumdar and Narulkar (1993).Many of the aforementioned techniques ha ve been implemented in realistic scenarios, and many reservoir systems worldwide are operated based on the decision rules generated from these techniques. However, there exists a gap between theory and practice, and full implementation has not been achieved yet (Labadie, 2004). 1 14 & 15 February 2009 Kuching, Sarawak The basic difficulty a reservoir manager faces is to take a real-time optimum decision regarding releases according to the future demand and inflow. This leads to the problem of optimization of the stochastic domain.Two approaches of stochastic optimization are practised: i) Explicit Stochastic Optimization (ESO), which works on probabilistic descriptors of random inputs directly and ii) Implicit Stochastic Optimization (ISO), which is based on historical, generated or forecasted values of the inputs through the use of Time Series Analysis or other Probabilistic approaches. The ESO approach has computational difficulties; ISO methods are simple, but require an addition al forecasting model for real time operation. In the case of irrigation reservoirs, decision making at the reservoir level depends upon the water demand arising at the field level.In order to operate the reservoir in the best possible way, it becomes imperative to understand the processes occurring in the crop-soil-water-atmosphere system. This helps not only in the estimation of accurate demands, but also ensures optimum utilisation of water. If the processes at the field level are also modelled properly and integrated with the reservoir level model, the goal of water management can be achieved in the best possible way. Dudley et al. (1971) pioneered the integration of the systems in the determination of optimal irrigation timing under limited water supply using a Stochastic DP model.Dudley and his associates then improved the model (Dudley and Burt, 1973; Dudley, 1988; Dudley and Musgrave, 1993). Vedula and Mujumdar (1992, 1993) and Vedula and Nagesh Kumar (1996) have also contrib uted to this area. Their approach was to derive a steady state reservoir operation policy while maximizing the annual crop yield. DP-SDP and LP-SDP were used in the modelling. However, for real-time reservoir operation, Vedula and Nagesh Kumar (1996) stressed the need to forecast inflows and rainfall in the current season to implement the steady state operation policy.As a result, the ESO model has to be supplemented with an ISO model to get a policy for the current period. As an extension to the work of Vedula and Mujumdar (1992), a significant contribution to the real-time reservoir approach was presented by Mujumdar and Ramesh (1997). They addressed the issue of short term real-time reservoir operation by forecasting the inflow for the current period, a crop production state variable and a soil moisture state variable. Their work was based on SDP, but had all the limitations of SDP regarding the curse of dimensionality.Against this background, a model for the derivation of real-t ime optimal operating policy for a reservoir under a multiple crop scenario is proposed in the present study. The primary issue is that the reservoir gets inflows during the wet season (monsoon season) and is operated for irrigation in the dry season (non-monsoon season). The reservoir storage and the soil moisture level are considered to be the principal state variables, and the irrigation depths are the decision variables.An optimal allocation model is embedded in the integrated model to evaluate the irrigation water depth supplied to different crops whenever a competition for water exists amongst various crops. The model also serves as an irrigation-scheduling model because it specifies the amount of irrigation for any given fortnight. The impact on crop yield due to water deficits and the effect of soil moisture dynamics on crop water requirements are taken into account. Moreover, a root growth model is adopted to consider the effects of varying root depths on moisture transfer. The only stochastic element in the season is the evapotranspiration. The handling of stochasticity has been accomplished through dependability based forecasting in an ISO model. The rest of the variables, such as soil moisture status and the reservoir storage status, at the beginning of any period are considered to be state variables. The basic formulation is based on a LP model and is later transformed into a GA framework. 2. The Model Formulation and Concept The real-time operation model proposed in the present study integrates the reservoir level and a field level decision (Figure 3).It considers the soil-moisture status and the reservoir storage as the state variables and the applied irrigation depths as decision variables. The formulation is based on the conceptual model for soil moisture accounting and the reservoir storage continuity relationships. A major emphasis is laid on maintaining soil moisture in a state such that the evapotranspiration from the crops takes place at a rate that achieves better results in the form of increased yields from the crops. To assess the timing of irrigation water application, the soil moisture status of the crop is an important parameter.Whenever the soil moisture status approaches a critical limit, irrigation is applied. Thus, the soil moisture status is monitored either by physical measurement or through soil moisture models. Soil moisture models are more popular since they do not require a lot of instrumentation to be installed in the field. Soil moisture models can be formulated either by a physical approach (Fedders et al. , 1978) or a conceptual approach (Rao, 1987). The conceptual approach has been used by Rao et al. (1988), Rao et al. (1990) and 2 14th MANCO Hajilal et al. (1998) for the problem of irrigation scheduling.Vedula and Mujumdar (1992) utilised the conceptual model in their study. The same concept is adopted in the present study. Figure 3 Flow chart of real-time operation of reservoir 3 14 & 15 Februa ry 2009 Kuching, Sarawak 3. The Conceptual Model In the conceptual model for the Crop-Soil-Water-Atmosphere (CSWA) system, the basic assumption is that the soil acts as a reservoir, the main inputs to the reservoir are rainfall irrigation, and the main outputs are evapotranspiration, percolation and drainage. The extent of the reservoir is considered to be up to the effective root zone at the particular time.The soil water reservoir is governed by a continuity equation: ? ik +1 ED ik +1 ? ? ik ED ik ? IRR ik + AET i k = RF k (1) The conceptual model stated by Eq. 1 is used to compute the irrigation to be applied for the LP model with area as a decision variable. The following parameters are important for the conceptual model. Figure 1 shows the sketch for the conceptual reservoir. In the context of the conceptual model two parameters are important: IRRk RFk AETk EDk ?k Figure 1 Conceptual model Variation of Evapotranspiration with the Available Soil Moisture Evapotranspiration as a function of the available soil moisture is expressed as: kAETi k = PETi k if aai ? Zww (2) or AETi k = k aai PETi k Zww where AETi k (3) is the actual evapotranspiration that has occurred from crop i in fortnight k (mm), PETi k is the potential evapotranspiration in a particular geographical location (mm), Zww is the critical available moisture limit (mm/cm) = (Zf? Zw) d, Zf is the field capacity for the soil (mm/cm), Zw is the permanent wilting k point for the soil (mm/cm), d is the depletion factor and assumed to be 0. 5 in the present study, and a ai is the average available soil moisture over a fortnight (mm/cm). The average available soil moisture over a fortnight is given by ik + aik +1 a= 2. 0 k ai where otherwise aik = ? ik ? Zw if aik < Zww aik = Zww k +1 A similar expression can be used for ai . 4 14th MANCO Root Zone Depth Growth The root depth data in relation to the time stages are prepared according to the Linear Root Growth Model (adopted by Narulkar, 1995). The model assumes that maximum root depth is achieved at the start of the yield formation stage. It remains at the maximum depth until the maturity stage. A minimum depth of 15 cm is considered in the first fortnight to account for the conditions of bare soil and an area with sparse crops.The root depth model is shown in Figure 2. Life span of group Growth stages of group V F G Root Depth Max. Depth Figure 2 Root Depth growth model Relative Yield Ratio The yield of a crop is affected by water deficits and the rate of evapotranspiration. The rate of evapotranspiration tends to decrease depending on the available moisture content. There are many methods to model the phenomenon. However, the model used in the present study is the most commonly-adopted model. The relative yields are computed on the basis of the expression given by Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) YaiAETi k ? k? = 1 ? Ky ? 1 ? ? PET k ? ? Ymi i? ? (4) Equation (4) gives a yield ratio for a single period only. However, the aggregate ef fect of moisture deficits over all fortnights of crop growth is also evaluated. The final yield ratios computed for the crop during various time periods of a season is computed by a multiplicative model (Rao et al. , 1990). The determination of the yield ratio is very important since they reflect the operation policy for an irrigation system. The expression is given by ? AETi k Yai ncr ? = ? ?1 ? Ky k ? 1 ? ? PET k ? Ymi i =1 ? i ? (5)Water Requirements of the Crops The model derived for an optimal crop pattern uses predetermined irrigation demands. On the basis of this, the optimisation model selects an appropriate area for an individual crop. The irrigation demands are determined using the conceptual model stated in Eq. 1. The irrigation requirements may be calculated by substituting a value of critical soil moisture content instead of soil moisture in either of the fortnights k and k+1 and replacing the values of actual evapotranspiration by potential evapotranspiration and re arranging the terms of Eq. : ( ) IRRik = ? cr EDik +1 ? EDik + PETi k (6) 5 14 & 15 February 2009 Kuching, Sarawak where ? cr is the critical soil moisture content below which the actual evapotranspiration may fall below the potential rate. 4. Integrated LP Formulation In the objective function, the weighted sum of all the actual evapotranspiration values is maximised. The weights are assigned according to the yield response factors for individual crops in individual periods. The objective is to maximise the actual evpotranspiration rate to minimise the deficits in the yields.The available soil moisture in any time period in the objective function is indirectly maximised: ncr np ? a k + aik +1 ? Ky k MaxZ = ? ? ? i ? 2. 0 ? Zww i =1 k =1 ? (7) subject to the following constraints: 1. Soil moisture continuity ? aik + aik +1 ? PET = RF k ? 2. 0 ? Zww ? ? ik +1 EDik +1 ? ? ik EDik ? IRRik + ? (8) ? ik +1 ? aik +1 ? bik +1 = ZW (9) where with physical bounds ? ik +1 ? 4. 0 a 2. k +1 i ( 10) ? 0. 9 (11) Reservoir continuity ncr A k S k +1 ? B k S k + ? i =1 S k +1 ? 31. 1 5. IRRik * AREAik = ? ID ? Ao RE k Eff (Maximum Reservoir Capacity M m3) (12) (13) Crop Simulation ModelThe optimisation model presented above yields some irrigation depth values that are based on forecasted values for the reference evapotranspiration. This reference evapotranspiration, in turn, is based on a dependability model. However, the actual evapotranspiration value differs from these values, and thus, before going into the next fortnight, the soil moisture status must be updated with the applied irrigation and actual climatic factors. The formulation for crop simulation is as follows: First compute the final soil moisture with the following relation ? ik = (? ik +1 EDik +1 + IRRik ?Fkcik APET k + ARF k ) / EDik If (14) ? ik +1 < 3. 1 ?k ? Fkcik +1 APET k +1 Fkcik +1 APET k +1 ZW + ARF k +1 ? ? i EDik + IRRik +1 ? + ? 2. 0 2. 0 ? EDik +1? ik +1 = ? k +1 k +1 Fkci APET EDik +1 2. 0 ( ) (15) or 6 14th MANCO ? ? ik = ? ik ? 1 ? EDik ? 1 ? ? Fkcik APET ? Fkcik APET Fkcik APET + Zw + ARF k + IRRik ? ? EDik ? 2 . 0 2 . 0 2 . 0 ? (16) or ? k ? 1 ? k ? 1 Fkcik APET ? Fkcik APET Fkcik APET ? k k ? ? = i ? EDi ? Zw? ? ? EDi ? ? + IRRi + ? ? 2. 0 2. 0 2. 0 ? ? ? ? k i (17) The computed soil moisture status of the crops is used in the next fortnight to compute the demand. . Stochastic Analysis of Evapotranspiration It was previously stated that the data regarding the climatic factors is uncertain in nature and the determination of these factors beforehand is impossible. However, there is a general trend to assume the expected values for these factors and carry out the operation. The concept does not give a clear picture of the actual scenario and the appropriate weights for the individual growth stage of the crops are not assigned. The present study proposes a different method of forecasting the expected values for the climatic factors.The method of analysis starts with the co mputations of dependability values of reference evapotranspiration factors from the available data. The dependability of realisation of any stochastic variable is defined as the probability of equalling or exceeding that variable with a particular value. Mathematically, P(x ? X ) (18) where P (. ) is the probability and x is the variable under consideration and X is a stipulated value of the variable. A traditional method of estimation of the dependability value is the use of standard frequency formulae (e. . Wiebull’s formula or Hazen’s formula). In the present study, a detailed probability analysis for the data is performed. The data is fitted to a standard probability distribution and the best fitting distribution is tested through the Kolmogorov Smirnov Test (Haan, 1977). Once the values corresponding to different dependabilities are evaluated, dependability values for reference evapotranspiration are assumed to be different in different growth stages. The analysis is performed on the basis of the yield response factor.A high yield response factor signifies greater sensitivity towards the deficits, and thus, a higher level of dependability is assumed for the evapotranspiration data and a lower level of dependability is assumed for the rainfall data. This will ensure a higher value of irrigation required for the crop in the sensitive period. As a result, the crop will be safeguarded against any poor moisture content conditions. 7. LP Model Formulation for Optimal Cropping Pattern At the start of each dry season, depending on the storage volume in the reservoir, the crop pattern must be determined.To evaluate the crop pattern, another LP model is used. In this model, irrigation depths are calculated from Eq. (6). The formulation is as follows: The objective function is MaxZ = C1 X1+ C2 X2+ C3 X3 (19) which is subject to the following constraints: 1. Total available area X1+X2+X3? A (20) where X1, X2, and X3 are the decision variables related to the area of individual crops;C1, C2, and C3 are the cost coefficient for each crop in Indian Rupees (1 US $ = 50 INR); and A is the maximum area available for irrigation. 2.Area of each individual crop: 7 14 & 15 February 2009 Kuching, Sarawak The area under each crop is required to be constrained; thus, there are lower and upper bounds on the area under each crop. The lower bounds indicate the minimum area that can be allocated to a crop, while the upper bound indicates the maximum. In the present study, the lower bounds were defined for all the crops except cash crops, while the upper bounds were defined considering the present cropping pattern. The constraints can be expressed as Li? Xi? Mi (21) here Li corresponds to the lower bound of the area for the ith crop and Mi corresponds to the upper bound on the area of the ith crop. 8. Model Application The developed models were applied to the Chiller reservoir system in Madhya Pradesh, India (Latitude 23o23’ N and Longitude 7 6o18’ E). In the central part of India, many reservoir projects have been constructed for irrigation, but no irrigation is available from these reservoirs during the monsoon period (from June to September). The area receives about 90 to 95 % of its rainfall during the Monsoon season. The rainfall then becomes runoff to the reservoirs.These reservoirs are designed to contain the runoff in the monsoon season, but there is no runoff during non-monsoon months. The present formulations are specially suited for these types of reservoirs. Non-monsoon rainfall is rare and provides little runoff. A systematic data base was prepared for the various physical features of the reservoirs, including the meteorological and hydrological data such as evapotransiration, details of crops in the command area, details of net returns from individual crops and soil properties collected from the College of Agriculture, Indore, India. . Results and Discussion Optimum Crop Pattern A separate computer p rogram was run before the real time operation program to determine the optimum crop pattern for all possible storage values. The results of the optimum crop pattern are stated in Table 1. The results indicate that from a storage level of 31. 10 M m3 to a storage level of 26. 06 M m3, the cropping pattern is same as the one that has been adopted in the project formulation. However, below a storage level of 26. 06 M m3, the crop pattern changes suddenly, and wheat (ordinary) is not recommended by the model.The area of wheat (hybrid) also gets reduced when the rainfall storage is below this level. However, the area for Gram is full, up to a storage level of 15. 83 M m3. The change in cropping pattern indicates that efficient water usage is maintained. Table 1 Optimum Cropping Pattern for Different Live Storage Values Area (ha) for different crops Live storage (M m3) Wheat (ordinary) Gram Wheat (hybrid) 4. 3230 342. 910 120. 00 8. 2379 427. 580 500. 00 12. 3246 15. 8632 20. 7581 26. 098 6 28. 8610 30. 1250 31. 1000 300. 0 300. 0 300. 0 300. 0 1084. 015 1100. 000 1100. 00 1100. 000 1100. 000 1100. 000 1100. 000 500. 00 855. 00 1434. 00 1700. 00 1700. 00 1700. 00 1700. 00 Results from Real-Time Operation Model The real-time operation model gives an optimal operating policy for the available storage in the present fortnight considering the future. The model also yields the values of irrigation to be applied to individual crops in the fields. In the wake of deficient water supplies, the model distributes the available water over the time for different crops optimally. The sample results of the present model are stated in Table 2.The available moisture to the crops is not affected, and generally the soil remains at the upper limit of the available soil-moisture. This 8 14th MANCO is because the crop pattern is predicted according to the availability of the storage in the reservoir. The results are indicative of successful application of the real-time operation strategy proposed in the present work. Table 2 Sample Results Showing the Soil Moisture, Available Soil Moisture, Storage, and Irrigation to be applied for Different Crops for a Real-Time Reservoir Operation Model (LP) Live Storage in the Reservoir 31. 1 M m3 FORTNIGHTPARAMETER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Reservoir Storage (M m3 ) 29. 28 28. 17 26. 30 22. 22 Crop 1) Soil Moisture (mm/cm) 3. 76 3. 89 3. 84 3. 07 2) Available soil Moisture 0. 9 0. 9 0. 9 0. 87 (mm/cm) 3) Applied Irrigation (mm) 53. 62 90. 63 92. 87 36. 04 Crop 1) Soil Moisture (mm/cm 3. 90 3. 07 3. 28 3. 15 2) Available soil Moisture 0. 9 0. 87 0. 9 0. 9 (mm/cm) 3) Applied Irrigation (mm) 68. 76 22. 27 60. 67 41. 59 Crop 1) Soil Moisture (mm/cm — – 4. 00 2) Available soil Moisture —0. 9 (mm/cm) 3) Applied Irrigation (mm) — – 94. 21 19. 68 14. 64 10. 87 Wheat (ordinary) 3. 54 3. 30 3. 22 0. 9 . 9 0. 9 5. 62 4. 24 3. 63 3. 60 3. 17 0. 9 4. 0 0. 9 – -. — — 163. 9 8. 44 23. 02 GR AM 3. 28 3. 66 0. 9 0. 9 19. 94 102. 6 — — 3. 23 0. 9 3. 47 0. 9 — — 37. 64 53. 15 Wheat (hybrid) 3. 06 3. 48 3. 32 0. 86 0. 9 0. 9 0. 00 33. 17 — — 3. 28 0. 9 3. 38 0. 9 3. 18 0. 9 3. 19 0. 9 37. 19 162. 9 0. 00 36. 09 0. 0 3. 4 0. 9 26. 96 127. 9 78. 89 Relative Yield Ratios Relative yield ratios computed for different crops at different live storage values are shown in Table 3. The relative yield ratios for all the crops become one if live storage in the reservoir is equal to or greater than 28. 9 M m3. The GA model is found to be better for application in real world operation of the reservoir. Table 3 Relative Yield Ratio for Different Live Storage Values Computed With a Real-Time Reservoir Operation Model Relative yield ratio for Live different crops storage LP (M m3 ) Wheat Gram Wheat (hybrid) (ordinary) 4. 3230 0. 9677 1. 000 8. 2362 0. 9083 1. 000 12. 3246 0. 9576 1. 000 – 0. 989 1. 000 20. 7581 26. 0986 1. 000 0. 987 0. 987 0 . 911 0. 952 28. 8610 1. 000 0. 987 1. 000 30. 1250 31. 1000 10. – 15. 8632 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 ConclusionA real-time model using an integrated Linear Programming Model for a reservoir system meant for irrigation has been developed in the present study to obtain an optimal reservoir operating policy that incorporates field level decisions, while also deciding the appropriate time and amount of water to release from the reservoir. 9 14 & 15 February 2009 Kuching, Sarawak From the analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: The developed model can be successfully applied to irrigation supporting reservoir systems. Furthermore, the models ensure an optimum reservoir release over different time periods.In addition, they also ensure optimum allocation of the available water over the different crops in the fields. While allocating the water to different crops in the fields, the model takes into account the critical growth stages of the crops and allocate s sufficient water to each crop to safeguard it against any ill effects of water deficits. The optimum crop pattern model used in the study will only allow productive irrigation, so the amount of wasted water is reduced. Acknowledgements The authors would like to express sincere thanks to Universiti Sains Malaysia for the financial support of this work.Nomenclature AETi k k Actual evapotranspiration in period k from crop i (mm) APET ARFk Ak and BK Ao d Actually occurring potential evapotranspiration in period k (mm) Actual rainfall value in the fortnight k Constants relating the storage to reservoir evaporation Area of spread at dead storage level Depletion factor EDik Effective root zone depth of a crop i in period k (cm) k +1 i ED Effective root zone depth of a crop i in period k+1 (cm) Eff Fkcik ID Overall efficiency Crop evapotranspiration coefficient Industrial supply from the reservoir (mandatory release) IRRikIrrigation applied to crop i in stage k (mm) k Ky Yield response fa ctors for a crop i in period k PETi k RE RF k Potential evapotranspiration in a particular geographical location (mm) Rate of evaporation in fortnight k k Sk Sk+1 Zf Zw Zww Rainfall in period k (mm) Reservoir storage at the beginning of period k Reservoir storage at the end of period k Field capacity for the soil (mm/cm) Permanent wilting point for the soil (mm/cm) Critical available moisture limit (mm/cm) ? ik ? ik +1 Final soil moisture in a particular time stage k for a particular crop i (mm/cm) Yai Ymi Actual crop yield Maximum crop yieldInitial soil moisture in the time stage k in for a crop i (mm/cm) 10 14th MANCO References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada Research Paper - 1

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada - Research Paper Example In 50 years from now, the organization wants to accommodate the Southern Nevada region demands of the overall population. The vision shows the way the cultural and strategic organizational values will combine to create the future. The strategic and the cultural values communicate a performance target to the employees. The employees have to work hard to achieve this vision. The company vision initiates implementation strategies; this process builds on values and initiates action to accomplish the vision. The strategies cover numerous factors from developing the organization design to recruiting and training employees who share the values and who carries them out. RTC mission is to identify transportation challenges and explore and implement both short and long-term resolutions while promoting sustainability, improved mobility, air quality improvement, and increased quality of life in Southern Nevada. The mission statement impacts on organizational behavior because it encourages the em ployees and the organization to put it to work. There has to be commitment to the mission statement for the company to be successful. The company has to turn the mission statement into a reality by ensuring that the actual behaviors of the organization match with the mission statement. ... e air quality; researching and developing transit options that are fully-integrated: integrate transit system maps into the regular geographic details; securing funding for operation, expansion and maintenance of routes and systems and; increasing public awareness and support of the organization system. The company’s seeks to maintain long-term, supportive and comprehensive (3-C) transportation planning process. This ensures that transit programs and plans involve public participation and recommendations and conform to the set air quality standards. This strategy influences organizational behavior by creating a competitive environment and putting forward actions to compete successfully. It details the kind of contributions the organization intends to make to the large society. The strategy also involves all individual at all levels of the organization to ensure that there is a recognizable, consistent pattern, which yields a superior capacity over competitors up and down the f irm and across all its activities. The employees normally adopt work behaviors that are consistent with and support the organizations strategy. Strategies usually communicate the priorities that are very significant so that the organization can focus on them–these are priorities that assist the firm to make substantive advancement towards accomplishment of its mission and help the institution in rising from its current position to the place it needs to go over a period of time (Allison & Kaye, 2005). The organization runs the federally authorized planning process for the region and plans the Valley’s roadways and transit infrastructure. The organization offers mass transit that connects throughout Southern Nevada and oversees programs that encourage sustainability. The organization has a

Accounting tools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Accounting tools - Essay Example Most of the companies are getting dominated by the international competition. The primary cause of this competition is demand based supply and widely accepted e-commerce. Since, the utilization of management accounting tools is important for most of the companies with the aim of developing logical and reliable business strategies. The primary features of management accounting are to help the organisation in the area of decision making, control and support strategic planning (Kaplan and Norton, 1996, p.58). In this essay, the researcher will stress on the different aspects of management accounting tools and the effectiveness of management accounting tools. Discuss and evaluate the purpose and effectiveness of management accounting for modern business In the modern business firms, the management accounting is mainly used for taking competitive decision making by collecting, communicating information and processing. This tool helps the management of the organisation to control, evaluate and plan on business process. This tool also relates to the present strategy of the business firm with the existing ones. The function of management accounting is multidimensional and interrelated with the various departments. The mechanism contributes in monitoring different activities in business and helps the businesses to meet the goal of the organisation. In this function, the management and the board is mainly focussed on those activities which are the key drivers of future financial result. This controlling activities influence the corporate governance activities of the organisation. With the help of various analysis report, the management accounting track the lack in control system also and measure the divergence from the expected result. In the variance analysis, the management compares the expected performance with the actual performance (Brickley, Smith and Zimmerman, 2005, p.256). The approval of financial decision also depends on the management accounting decision. Mos t of the members of the audit committee (at least 40 %) hold the specific qualification. But it has been seen that the common management accounting tools is used by the audit committee rather than the directors of the business firm. In this point of view, at the time of taking financial decisions, management accounting reports are not adequately presented. On the other side, it is noted that the decision of Director is not sufficient for 69 % of the companies. Most of the major financial decisions are taken by the senior management of the company by utilizing the key areas of management accounting tools (Blocher et al. 2010, p.54). Most of the traditional business firms did not evaluate the performance of CEOs and senior management before general annual meetings. The management accounting tools determinates the financial results from various segment of operation that signifies the performance of CEOs. The modern businesses maintain good corporate governance practices by following co des of business practices, compliance to relevant laws and rules and regulation. The corporate behaviour is important to maintain the corporate governance. So, corporate behaviour should be stringent in corporate DNA by maintaining the principals and ethics. The management accounting mechanism sets the standard behaviour for the purpose of hard coding. This mechanism also provides the periodic report which highlights corporate culture monitoring result. On the other side, this is a tool which is a custodian of ethics. So, it is very easy for the business firms to trace the fraud and mal practices. Comprehensive Implementation of Management Accounting Tools: In this part the researcher

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How is meaning cunstructed in images Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

How is meaning cunstructed in images - Essay Example and stabilizing the interpretations of specific images, about 35 years ago, Roland Barthes wrote about it and said that all images imply, underlay their floating chain of signifiers and the reader is able to select some of them and ignore the remaining that is they are polysemous. Dysfunction raises a question of polysemy. To fix the floating chain of signified different techniques are applied so that fear of uncertain signs can be encountered and minimized, these techniques mainly involve linguistic or verbal messages (Marchese, 1995). Institutional apparatus that chooses and provides text and images to the common public includes captions, labels, placards, guidebooks, brochures and fliers and they all come in linguistic messages. Curators, teachers and editors use these tools. Institutions and practices that strengthen the use of images as well as their interpretations also use the same tools as their major part. It means that image in a textbook seems to illustrate and support the meanings of the information written in the text of that textbook. When we see an image in an advertisement, the first thing which comes in our mind is that it is there to be helpful in selling the product by looking at someone enjoying possession and consumption of that particular product. Therefore we have some special standards of text and images and their correlation of explanation by text and illustration by images (Marchese, 1995). For the same reason, discussions are based on the images in textbooks and advertising, by the observers of the semiotics of images. To advertise any image is problem creating and elusive, Barthes says in "Rhetoric of the image†. Stable platform of advertisements and textbooks were used by Gà ¼nter Kress and Theo van Leeway to build their visual semiotics and it is a complete and valid way to proceed except some standard cases which put down the signifying potential will be ignored. Conceptualist artists have worked a lot to turn the standard canons

Monday, August 26, 2019

A guide to critical thinking and argument with readings Essay

A guide to critical thinking and argument with readings - Essay Example Current Issues and Enduring Questions is a book, which contemplates on the elements and fundamentals of critical thinking. The authors presented arguments and literature materials from various sources in order to support the conclusions conveyed by the book. It is divided into two significant chapters, which makes it a complete package for the readers to understand the ideas the book aims to impart to the intellectual market it serves.Critical Thinking, the title of the first chapter of the books presents the various elements of critical thinking by presenting several arguments which significantly represents each major element of critical thinking.The first subchapter presents the argument regarding driver's licenses and photographic identification. The authors expounded the tribulations the present transportation system and person identification industry faces. Numerous accounts of the dilemma are seen on both parties of the drivers and the traffic enforcers, as well. Hence, it nece ssitates critical thinking. As the introductory subchapter, it represents the element of identifying the subject of critical thinking and expounding several manipulative ideas governing the subject.The second part of the first chapter is a widened and deeper analysis of the first subchapter. It concentrates on the deeper societal issues of driver's licenses. It presents facts on why these matters and issues call for critical thinking and its three major elements, which is comprised of imagination, analysis and evaluation. Writing as an integral part of critical thinking is beyond doubt. This fact is introduced in the third subchapter. Theoretically, writing as an intellectual way of evaluating and interpreting different aspects of man's life has become a myth for the ordinary man. However, this subchapter presents reliable evidences which attests for the critical thinking attributes of writing. It also enumerates the elements of critical thinking, which are widely fulfilled by writing. The fourth subchapter, hypothetically, encompasses the heart of the chapter. Entitled "A Checklist for Critical Thinking," it details the elements of critical thinking and describes the impact of each element on man's critical philosophy. It itemizes each element and differentiates one from the other, which makes it comprehensible for the readers to identify one element from another. The fifth subchapter represents the exercise part for the readers. It comprises of an essay of Alan Dershowitz illustrating critical thinking, which is entitled, "Why Fear NationID Cards" Hence, the readers are able to apply the elements learned in the previous chapters by reading the essay. At the same time, it also supplements additional information regarding the issue of National I.D. cards. The sixth subchapter puts forward a casebook on examining assumptions. It presents two literature materials, which are both essentials on evaluating the underlying important procedures on assumption evaluation. This subchapter includes the articles, "A Proposal to Abolish Grading" and "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" by Paul Goodman and Howard Gardner, respectively. Both materials identify the values tests have in examining assumptions, which is an integral part of critical thinking. The seventh and last subchapter, as a whole, represents a checklist for evaluating letters of response. It comprises of an article by Diane Ravitch, entitled, "In Defense of Testing." This subchapter spells out the necessary factors of critical evaluation of response letters. This proves to be an essential aspect of critical thinking, as proper evaluation gives way for judicious interpretation of various subjects. Chapter 2: Critical Reading: Getting Started Whilst the first chapter concentrates on the essential elements comprising critical thinking, this second chapter focuses on the aspect of critical

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Fashion and Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Fashion and Art - Essay Example The essay "Fashion and Art" discusses the connection between art and fashion. Due to the pressure that Paris faced during this time, it lost its position as the world’s top fashion hub. In the meantime the United States shifted its reliance on France for clothing and fashion designs and developed its own industry using homegrown cotton. As a result of these efforts, the United Sates managed to become the top nation in fashion, a position it maintained until sometime after the Second World War. This changed in the 1940s when Paris began to recover its position as the world’s acclaimed fashion hub. By the 1950s Paris had almost regained back its position and by the 1970s, the nation had fully regained its international fashion acclamation. Today, both the United Sates and Paris continue to compete in the world’s fashion although Paris continues to outdo the United States. The connection between art and fashion gained exceptional closeness in the 1920s. In order to gain ideas and encouragement, designers hooked up with artists. As a result of new developments in art such as Art Deco, Futurism, and Surrealism, art and clothing were blended into fashion. Original artistic designs were brought to clothing, mainly due to the influence of Futurism and Surrealism, and cooperation with innovative artists. Suoh points out that â€Å"the decorative accessories and textiles of Art Deco emerged from this rich collaboration, which included the adaptation of a number of artistic techniques such as Oriental lacquering†.... Wealthy customers of haute couture fashion suddenly lost their wealth, as homeless people crowded the streets. Some people in the middle class society managed to survive the Great Depression, but they preferred to do their sewing from home. As a result of the economic hardship, more natural forms of clothing and fashion replaced the ideal and strong silhouette that was popular in the 1920s (Suoh, 2002). For evening wear, the culture of long dresses was revived, while hair regained a soft curl and a more conventional feminine length. â€Å"The slim line of clothing remained, but the bosom was reasserted and the waistline was once again nipped into a standard position† (Suoh, 2002, p. 335). However, fashion for casual activities gradually gained importance, as people wore favored sports items and clothing and regular dresses with short skirts. Female and male designers acclaimed in the 1920s began to experiment and exploit new materials, while new designers expanded their clothi ng lines to include outfits for different occasions. These styles remained dominant until the beginning of the Second World War. Fashion and Art and the Second World War The Second World War which broke out in 1939 brought serious damage to art and fashion (Suoh, 2002). Many couture houses and salons in Paris closed, while the few that remained suffered from the departure of clients and scarcity of materials. The Germans intended to move the whole fashion industry from Paris to Vienna or Berlin. In Paris, the fashion industry suffered a lot of pressure, â€Å"and Lucien Lelong, the President of the Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, went to great pains to try to maintain the status quo of Parisian

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Hw Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hw - Assignment Example Since 2004 the company has shown some reasonable profits in only 2007. In the fear of entering bankruptcy, Kodak used immense patent litigation in their attempt to generate revenues (Mattioli, 2010). They got 838 million dollars from licensing of patents; this also included settlements and lawsuits against companies including LG, Samsung and their recent fight is with Apple. Patents are thus a way to protect companies from losing their profits entirely and to keep them safe from going bankruptcy. 2. Kodak was a company that brought new technology in photography and thus held a dominant place in the market for a very long time. They had an advantage as their products were patented meaning no other company could use their invention to make any profits for twenty years. This implies that any company who uses their invention before the expiry period would be facing a lawsuit from Kodak and would have to pay heavy settlement moneyfor patent infringement. The company is said to have been breathing its last breaths and is on the brink of bankruptcy. They have to present a reorganizational plan till the deadline of 15th February 2013 under the terms of the bankruptcy protection. For them till now their patents were all they had to regain their lost position as none of their other tactics seemed to work. 3. As most of Kodak’s patents expire, the company will have to come up with a reorganization plan that will get it out of its lost position. According to Antonio Perez the Chairman and CEO of Kodak they are restructuring the company by rebalancing it towards packaging, functional and commercial printing. They will use their competitive edge in deposition technology and material science along with their knowledge of digital imaging to capitalize on their prospects and market growth. Kodak had its patents on auction but the bids they received from Apple and Google were 150 million and 250 million billion dollars

Friday, August 23, 2019

Zara Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Zara - Term Paper Example However, in order for the IT systems to offer all their benefits, it is necessary for new management techniques to be introduced within the organization. Canon case study can be reviewed for understanding the management of change due to the improvement of the firm’s information systems 2. IT changes our life In this class I can learn how IT can change our life. In the terms of social life, IT systems have promoted communication among people worldwide, meaning especially the social networking sites and the microblogging sites. When used in various industrial activities, IT systems have helped to improve existing manufacturing processes. Also, through IT systems, the development of daily financial transactions becomes easier and safer. Examples indicating the influence of IT on our lives are: a) Facebook (social networking site), b) mobile gadgets used by mobile users daily, c) teleworking, d) teleconference and so on. 3. IT benefits on newspaper or book and video In this class I can learn how IT systems can benefit newspaper or book and video. Using IT systems, editors in newspapers can have quick access to news worldwide and check demographics and statistics, which cannot be available otherwise. Through IT systems,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Fidel Castro’s revolution Essay Example for Free

Fidel Castro’s revolution Essay In the creation of Fidel Castro’s revolution, the promise to the Cuban people is this – under a regime that is led by the people, not Batista and his cronies, there shall soon be enough work, the sugar plantations shall be redistributed to the lowly campesinos, the American agro-industrial complexes shall be dismantled and nationalized, and education and healthcare shall soon be a reality in many parts of Cuba. Moreover, workers in the large enterprises shall be given thirty-percent of the profits, and peasants whose lands they tilled were not subject to redistribution shall be granted fifty-five percent of the sugar production. Lastly, all ill-gotten wealth by previous regimes shall be confiscated, including those presently owned by heirs and legatees of discredited rulers of former regimes. While the Cuban Revolution has indeed been able to achieve racial democracy in many years of its existence by providing socio-economic and political opportunities to all Cubans regardless of color, by the time the Revolution entered its ‘Special Period’ to cope with the collapse of the Soviet Union, there exists a creeping reversion to the years of racial prejudice against blacks prior to the 1959 triumph of the revolution. This renewed prejudice is created by the protracted economic crisis since the 1990s and the measures of the Cuban government in allowing Western-driven tourism to take root in places like Havana. As black Cubans are precluded from having free access to employment opportunities in the tourist centers, many blacks then subscribe to criminal activities and subsequently cracked down by security forces through unwarranted searches and a general profiling as being involved in criminal activities. Thereafter, a cultural construct by the white Cuban population is created –a throwback to the racial prejudice against black Cubans prior to the Revolution. On the other hand, Portrait of Teresa shows the contradictions in Teresa between the stated aims of the Cuban Revolution for gender equality and the reality of her domestic situation, in which the husband remains king of the household despite the greater opportunities given by the Revolution to women for greater self-expression, employment access, among others. Nonetheless, only time and the Cuban people will tell whether these rising inequalities may soon be addressed and rectified by the proud and mighty Cuban people. It is not for Fidel or Raul to determine such, only the people, by their struggle, can. References: 1. Castro, Fidel. â€Å"History Will Absolve Me† 1953. 2. De La Fuente, Alejandro. â€Å"Cuba’s Racial Democracy: What Now? †. 3. Vega, Pastor. Portrait of Teresa 1979.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Show Romeos changes throughout Essay Example for Free

Show Romeos changes throughout Essay The name Romeo, in popular culture, has become synonymous with lover. Romeo Montague, in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet does indeed experience a love of such purity and passion which drives him to death, when he believes the object of his love, Juliet Capulet, has died. Emotions and changes are conveyed in Romeos use of language and his gestured. It is the scenes in which Romeo and Juliet are together that I shall study in the following essay to show Romeos changes and how Shakespeares language is used to show this. At the beginning of the play, Romeo pines for Rosaline, proclaiming her to be the paragon of all women and despairing at her indifference towards him. Romeos Rosaline-induced histronics seem rather juvenile. Romeo is a great reader of love poetry and the portrayal of his love for Rosaline suggests he is trying to re-create feelings about which he has read. He is the epitome of the Elizabethan courtly lover who wallows in self-pity. After first kissing Juliet, she tells him You kiss by th book , meaning that he kisses according to the rules, and implying while proficient, his kissing lacks originality. (I. V. 107). In reference to Rosaline. It seems Romeo loves by the book. It is love which causes Romeo to change his beliefs and his actions. In Romeo and Juliet, love is at first portrayed as a violent ecstatic overpowering force which supersedes all other values, loyalties and emotions. Romeos language when pining for Rosaline is certainly full of oxymorons, which helps display his sorrow with his unrequited love -Heavy lightness sick health and these excesses also help portray his immature understanding of what it is to be in ove. The oxymorons show he is full of turbulent feelings and also show his stress. Supposed love has transformed him into a person even he himself cant recognize. He says Tut. I have lost myself. I am not me Romeo talks about love emotionally but in a clichi d way. His exaggerations are of a sickly manner. When she dies her beauty dies her store, showing this in not love, it is infatuation. Romeo also uses rhyming couplets and this is evidence that what he feels is false love. The are learned words- not from the heart. Romeo is not in love with Rosaline. He is in love with the idea of being in love,. This love is a sharp contrast to the love which Romeo will later feel for Juliet- that is true love. It is in Act 1 Scene 5 that Romeo first meets Juliet. Did my heart love till now? He directs this phrase at Juliet before the two have even met. When they do at last meet, Juliet shares with Romeo not one but two kisses, the second induced by Juliet. Thus from my lips by thine my sin is purged These shows of affection in the time in which the play is set would be ung=heard of upon a first meeting. This shows just how the pair truly epitomise the phrase, Love at first sight for they did not let the fact they were total strangers hinder the strength of their feelings even if the feelings were simply lust. However, we cannot yet tell whether Romeo is being sincere in love this time rather than just lustfully infatuated as he was with Rosaline because Shakespeare gives rOmeo the same indulgent highly petic language. However, he proves himself later in the act by saying Call me but love and Ill be new baptised. Henceforth I never will be Romeo. By saying this Romeo is offering to change his name if it would make Juliet love him and be with him. During Shakespeares time, denouncing your name was no smaell feat. Your name was whee your loyalties and true priorities lie, especially if it was a name of high social standing such as Montague was meant to be. The previous scene ended with Romeos premonition that Some consequence yet hanging in the stars shall bitterly begin his fearful date When Romeo sees Juliet, indeed this meeting proves to be very momentus. His speech is rich in romantic imagery. The striking simile which Shakespeare uses It seem she hangs on the cheek of the night as a rich jewel in an Ethiops ear (44-45) , in which Romeo compares Juliet to a sparkling jewel in a black mans ear. And the image of her as A snowy dove trooping with crows are inkeeping with the associations of brightness and white that run throughout the play and are often mentioned in relation to love. We now recognize the passion with which Romeo speaks and his feeling of love for Juliet is sincere. Juliet is the one who doth teach the torches to burn brightly (43) Juliet is referred to in terms of true beauty. Romeo has forgotten about Rosaline. It is a sharp contradiction to the description of Rosaline in which he tells us She will not stay the siege of loving terms/ Nore bide the encounter of assailing eyes / Nor ope her lap to saint- seducing gold Whereas one proves Juliet is a beacon to him, the other reflects a nai ve and immature belief that nothing can languish Rosalines power. When Romeo and Juliet speak, the exchange is a sonnet, very popular for love poetry in Elizabethan times. The sonnet uses religious imagery Holy shrine, Gentle sin , Pilgrim and Saints. Romeo describes his lips as two blushing pilgrims (94) Shakespeare is saying that Romeo is a pilgrim who is devoted to Juliet. The word Palmers (99) is another word for pilgrim. When Romeo asks Juliet Have not saints lips and holy palmers too? He is asking her Are you not a saint who is worshipped by pilgrims? The final two lines of the sonnet are shared between Romeo and Juliet showing how in tune and connected they are. The meeting is happening at the same time as the party, however Shakespeare makes us forget about the events which are happening around them and we focus on the two lovers. One way Shakespeare manages to do this is by the change in the language. When Romeo first describes Juliet we are forced to forget the hustle and bustle of the party that surrounds and we are drawn to the images of beauty. When Romeo describes Juliet, he uses rhyming couplets, which interest us more than the blank verse that Lord Capulet uses and the prose that the servants use. Another famous scene which focuses on the two lovers together is the most famous scene- known as the balcony scene. It is an example of Shakespeares most lyrical and beautiful writing. Its poetic flights of imagination, its love passages and ots lingering delays of paring, make it a charming scene with emotional impact. It is in this scene that Romeo continues to shed his image as a lovesick and sentimental youth, and expresses his devortion to Juliet with simplicity and intensity, The imagery of light and darkness are very important to the play and particularly to this scene. When Romeo felt he was in love with Rosaline, his mood was dark and gloomy because she was cold like the moon and similar to the Goddess Diana in her aloofness. Juliet is a Maid of the moon because Diana is the patroness of chastity and Juliet is a chaste maid. Romeo, now under the darkness of night, lighted only by the moon, sees in Juliet the promise of bright warm love, far more beautiful than the pale, chaste light of the moon. He goes on to urge Juliet, who cant hear anything he says, to stop being a maid to the moon because her vestal livery is but sick and green/ and none but fools do wear it; cast it off. (2. 2 8-9) A livery is a uniform worn by the servants of noblemen, vestal means chaste and green-sickness is an anemia that was supposed to occur in unmarried girls, because they were unmarried. These words show that Romeo is changing. He wants Juliet as a woman, not as a distant object of adoration, as Rosaline was for him. When he sees Juliet, he instantly drops his poetic metaphoes and says simply It is my lady, O it is my love/ o, that she knew she were! (2. 2 10-11). Romeo says that Juliets eyes are like star. I am too bold, tis not to me she speaks/ Two of the fairest stars in all the heavens/ Having some business. Do entreat her eyes/ To twinkle in their spheres till they return According to the astronomy of the time, each of the stars were embedded in transparent spheres which revolved around the earth. It seems to Romeo that two of the brightest stars have decided that they needed to leave their spheres and they are asking her eyes to twinkle in their places while they are gone. In Elizabethan times, the theories of the univers were still a mystery and Shakespeares astrological use of words show the relationship between love and the universe- both amazing and both having little explanation. It shows that this love at first sight was something magical, the product of a higher power and trult epitomises the meaning of true love. Pensively, Juliet says Ay me1 (2. 2. 20-25). To Romeo, these simple words are divine. He says She speaks! 0, speak again, bright angel for thou art As glorious to this night, being oer my head As is a winged messenger of heaven Unto the white upturned wondering eyes Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him Where he bestides the lazy puffing clouds And sails upon the bosom of the air (2. 2. 25-32) Comparing a beautiful woman to an angel was , and still is, a very common expression, but Romeo- who at this moment is whispering to himself- really believes that Juliet is angelic. Glorious to the night because an angel appears in a glory- a halo surrounding and emanating from its body. When the angel appears, people fall back, arching their heads, turning their eyes upward so that the whites of their eyes show. The angel moves with effortless ease, lighter than clouds, more graceful than a ship sailing on the swelling bosom of the ocean. Romeo speaks all this as if though he has actually seen an angel and now is gazing upon another. This shows a dramatic change of language from when Romeo had pontificated about Rosalines many charms. His language, which once was so clichi d and unbelievable, now sounds increasingly beautiful and truthful. Shakespeare is showing the audience that this is real, and that this is a sharp contrast to the love of Rosaline. Shakespeare is showing us that Romeo is now maturing, growing up and capable of love, and full of it. The audience, as this is written as a play to be seen, not to be read, feel involved in their love, that they have contributed to it just by watching and therefore are part of it. This sense of involvement makes the neding even more traumatic, and also shows Shakespeares true brilliance at understanding how to capture an audience and his genius qualities. When Juliet sees Romeo, Juliet reminds Romeo that if her kinsmen see him, theyll murder him. He answers Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye/ Than twenty of their swords. Look thou but sweet/ And I am proof against their enmity (2. 2. 71-72). He means what was often said in love poetry at the time, that an unfriendly glance from the eye of a lady could kill the man who was in love with her. On the other hand, a sweet look from Juliet is all that he needs to protect him from her kinsmen. When again she worries, he points out in his one practical statement that he is hidden by the night and then says that if she loves him, its ok if her kinsmen find him, because his Life were better ended by their hate than death prorogued wanting of thy love (2. 2. 77-78). In other words, hed much rather have her love and die on the spot, than not have her love and die later. Romeo goes on to say that hes a ship pilot but if Juliet was as far away As that vast shore washed with the farthest sea/ I would adventure for such merchandise (2. 2. 83-84) The verb adventure doesnt mean have fun, it means take a huge chance. In Shakespeares time, there were many adventurers that risked their lives and often lost them looking for the Mystical North West Passage to China. And Merchandise as Romeo uses it, means not saleable goods but rich treasure When Romeo and Juliet have both declared their love for each other, Shakespeares language shows another change in Romeo. It looks as if Juliets about to go, as the nurse has called her, but Romeo exclaims O wilt thou leave me so unsatisfled! (2. 2. 125) and she asks What satisfaction canst thou have tonight? Juliet had worried that Romeo weas unsatisfied because he wanted sex which could have confirmed her lingering fears that Romeo might be the wrong kind of lover, the lover that loved Rosaline. However he has changed, their love has changed him and he answers thjat he wanted the exchange of thy loves faithful vow for mine The wedding takes place in Act 2 Scene 6. Romeo is already at the cell suggesting he is eager. Wr do not see them marry but it just means when we see them together its all the more potent. The Friar begins with a prayer, hoping the union of love and blessing. The Friar knows that the marriage will be difficult So smile the heavens upon this holy act showing that he is asking for some help from God. Romeo says One moment in her company is worth the world and a lifetime of sorrow. This is hyperbolic showing his seriousness, devotion and love. Romeo says he will give up anything to call her his, challenging death. As soon as he sees Juliet he kisses her. This shows how actions can speak louder than words, especially in context off a play. The love that he feels is real and immeasurable. Romeo invites Juliet to describe their love. He wants to parade it. It is beautiful music, it is beyond words. Juliet cannot describe the way she feels. She is exaggerating and this shows that there is no control, that this is reckless. It is a warning. In Act 3 sScene 5 this is the last time they see each other alive. Proleptic irony is used, Juliet prefigures the ending; telling him he looks dead. He tries to make light of the comment saying that dry sorrow drinks their blood. The ending is very sad different from the beginning of the scene when Juliet does not want her to leaves. She listens to her heart and not her head. Romeo is practical pointing out all the tangible objects to prove it is day and therefore he must leave. Romeo makes the ultimate romantic gesture and says he will lay down his life to spend a little more timw ith Juliet. He finally puts Juliets wishes before his own. His flowery language disappears and his words have force because of their simplicity. Hed rather stay with her and die, than leave. The analogy of light is brought into this scene, but now the light brings misery. Romeo finishes Juliets couplet, showing that they are at their emotionally and most linguistically united, they must split asunder. Romeo assures Juliet that they will see each other again. Act 5 scene 3 Romeo campares himself in his deperation to an animal, nothing will stop him, he is determinded to end his life with Jkuliet, at the beginning of the speech he is reasonable, acting alone. Romeo compares the tomb to a maw (a stomach) suggesting death is hungry, he calls it a womb of death, where he used to opposite words to juxtapose. He is in a moelstron of emotion and compares the tomb to and an animal, to which jaws he must pierce open. He is willing to die nd pact more meat into deaths hungry jaws. He enters the tomb (line 85) Romeo returns to the light imagery it is full of metaphors and personification but it has lost its flowery conventionism and false romantic gloss, he is natural and dramatic. Again even in death she is still beautiful, radiant and full of light; he uses the lightening imagery their love and passion was a brief flash before death. He calls her his love, his wife and uses term of indeerment, she is both a sexual object and a woman he loves and adores. Death has not stolen the power of beauty, ironic because she is really alive and not actually dead. He is overwhemelled by his feelings and how alive she looks. He speeks with emphatic language to him, she is still perfect and flawless. Romeo asks for Tybalts forgiveness, so that his sins will not go with him to the next life, he shows maturity, he asks lost of questions with no answers, because he can not believe she is not alive. He is jealous of death, who has a bigger hold over Juliet than him. He compares the tomb to a palace, because in it he will finally be with Juliet, he take control of his own destiny and Shagspear uses the rule of 3 eyes arms lips building to a merging sensual desire and spiritual love for her in the climax. Devotion and desire without Juliet, hes life is worthless, he is mature, acting alone to a steady pace. When talking about the possiion he compares his body to a shit and the poison the pilot who will take him to the next life. He tosses off Juliet one last time and dies with her name on his lips.

Key Points Of Idealism In The Matrix

Key Points Of Idealism In The Matrix One of the best movie trilogy of the decade is The Matrix , made by Larry and Andy Wachowskis 1999 movie. The plot revolves around a young man by the name of Thomas Anderson who lives a double life; by day he is just another ordinary, anonymous citizen in a modern city, but by night, Thomas takes on the character of Neo, a renamed hacker. As a hacker, Thomas soon discovers that within the Internet lies a whole other network; one that is much more complex. Through this, Neo discovers that the world he had believed to be real was actually false a mirage, created by somebody. In reality, his idealistic, Utopian world, run by highly intelligent machines, differed immensely from the actual real world. One of the main idea that the film portrays draws on the possibility that humans actually hold a skewed image of our experiences, the objects we represent, and the world in general; what we well thought was real may not actually exist. The film Set is in the future after a nuclear war, the planet has been discovered to have been invaded by robots, thus making it uninhabitable by normal means. In order to control and dominate the human race, these robots have implanted small amounts of a special fluid, known as bio-port, in the nervous system of every human being. These bio-ports function as a means of brainwashing and influence the minds of the humans, causing them to believe that nothing in their world has changed. As a result, the humans fail to realize that they have become slaves to the robots. In other words, the world in which the people live in and their everyday experiences are in fact just illusions produced by computer acting directly on their brains (the matrix). People who live in this world live in a virtual world, created by the machine. Nevertheless, some individuals, it is unclear how, managed to escape the action of the computer and see the world as it, the real world. They then try to fight the machine with the help of their savior, Neo so they can live in the ideal world, where the machines are not in power. The Matrix illustrates the concept or theory of idealism that Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, wanted to apply international relations/politics. When talking about global politics, Idealist sees international relation as they should be and not how it is (realism). For an idealist, international relation should be harmonious, with a balance of power between different Country and the respect for international law guaranteed by a global organization. Wilson also believed that what was profitable and advantageous for his country would also greatly benefit other foreign nations. Like Wilson, in movie, the main character Neo and a group of the human population want to fight the machine so they can live in an ideal world, different from the one they are currently living. Another concept in the movie that relate to idealism is based on the philosopher Socrates idea of the Allegory of the Cave. In the book the republic, Socrates is speaking about his ideal city, but also talk about how people sometimes believe they are living in the best world possible, when in fact they are not. The allegory of the cave describes a situation in which men have been chained inside a dark cave, facing the same blank wall since birth. The closest representations of images that these men have are projections of shadows from the entry of the cave that they cannot see. These projections, while not accurate representations of the real world, are the only images the men have ever seen since birth. Thus, they are regarded by the men to be true representations of the world. When one of them finally leaves or escapes the cave and sees the real world- Like Neo did in the movie by disconnecting himself from the fake world- he will try to tell the people who stayed in the cave that the world that they are living in is false. To relate it to idealism in international relation, we can pick a country like France or the United Sate who advocate idealism in a sense that they want other nations (or people living in other nation) to also live in the best possible country they can. For example, an idealist would like to see the citizens from North Korea live in a country with freedom and democracy, like Neo wanted to make people living in a dream world to see the real world as it was and then build their ideal world by fighting the machines. The movie also shows that not everybody chooses to see the truth even if presented to them, simply because it can be ugly at times. An example would be when Morpheus (the person that shows Neo the real world) in the beginning gives Neo the opportunity a choice between discovering the truth and staying in the dream world, or see the world as it is and make it better. In relation to politics and international relations, an example o f a country like that today would be North Korea or Ex-Communist countries such as Russia, where citizens believed that they were living in ideals worlds. In addition, the United States has also had some presidents that used Idealist policies as their international policy, like George W Bush or Woodrow Wilson. They wanted to be like the United States (democracy, capitalism). The good thing is that the US is a democracy, which means that even if they adopt an idealist position as their foreign policy is would not hurt other countries as bad as a communist country like North Korea, the USSR or a dictatorship Germany by Hitler was in power. Another theme in the movie that related to Wilsons idea of Idealism is liberty which is by definition The condition of being free from restriction or control . For example, for the founding fathers, liberty was their ideal, so they fought England to become a free nation. In the movie when Neo understand that he is controlled by the machine, he wants to become free. Is an individual considered to be free if he/she operates in world he believes to be true, but in reality is not? Is a human considered to be free if he/she is used like a toy in a virtual world? Those questions come in the mind of the viewers while watching the matrix, and challenge them to consider whether they are actually free or if in fact they would never know if they were in a dream. Since Neo had never experienced true freedom, he made the decision to seek out the truth in the real world, that was his ideal, but he also wanted to save the others that were still dreaming. In creating the character of Neo (who eventually succeeds in crossing the boundaries of his own universe into the real world), the film makers tried to share an understanding that we get caught in different dilemmas, having to be realistic or idealist; Pragmatic or idealist. Conclusion The Movie The Matrix illustrates the concept of Idealism, which can be applied in the field of International Relations. Many countries strongly believe that their views are the best and attempt to impose their ideals on other countries. President Woodrow. Wilsons idealistic vision of international relations focused on seeing things as they should be and as one would hope them to be. On the contrary, a realist would see things only as they are (Machiavelli). Wilson also believed that international relations ought to be harmonious and peaceful, enforced through the obedience of states with rules of international law and order guaranteed by supranational organization, There must be, not a balance of power, but a community of Powers, not organized rivalries, but an organized common peace (Speech, January 22, 1917 in the Senate, Wilson). Wilson challenged the traditional European diplomacy that was based on different alliances and behind the door contract. As a firm believer in the concep t of international alliance, he believed in the cooperation of states and multilateralism; decision making in terms of external action should be taken in consultation with the international community and / or based on joint action. The movie also demonstrates that we should be cautious of any sort of authority and that we should be wary of any form of obedience that requires some kind of blind submission to authority. Try to recap the MAIN POINTS of your paper at the end hereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.need a good conclusionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦you want to explain how ALL your themes in the movie relate to Wilsons view of idealismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦just make it clear à ¯Ã‚ Ã…  

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Jumping Mouse :: essays research papers

â€Å"Jumping Mouse†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story Jumping Mouse is a Native American tale that is told with many central themes in mind. The story was most likely told to a wide ranged age group. So with the multiple themes it most likely was design to touch home with all ages in some form or another. One of the more central themes however was the importance of the situations and animals that help Jumping Mouse on his journey. The animals that he meets are much the same as people and situations we have met or well meet in our lifetime.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story begins with a for the most part regular mouse. Like most mice he is â€Å"Busy with Mice things†. However just shortly into the story you find that he is anything but normal when he begins to hear a â€Å"Roaring† in his ears. Others however ignore this saying â€Å"Are you foolish in your head? What sound?†. He tries to convince the other mice, but they are too closed minded to listen to him. These mice, to me represent my peers that are unwilling to take the time to look at the bigger picture around them. I myself am happy and content with my own little world. The story made me think about what I’m missing out on in life by being confined to my little box of thinking, that is my so-called life. Later he decides that he is going to go and find out what the noise is. He talks to his Brother the Raccoon, who tells him that what he is hearing is the river. He declares that he will go and find it so he can tell the others. After witch he begins to doubt himself, as he gets closer to the river. He almost turns back multiple times because he is so scared. This goes along with thinking outside of the box. He now begins to come out of he’s comfort zone, which causes he to almost makes him turn back. This is like so many things in my life, for I have an extreme prejudices and distaste for leaving my comfort zone. After Jumping Mouse gets to the river he sees his reflection in the river. He describes the image as a â€Å"Frightened Mouse†. This again shows that he truly is stepping far outside his comfort zone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Soon Brother Raccoon leaves him with Brother Frog.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Identity in The Count of Monte Cristo :: Monte Cristo

Identity in The Count of Monte Cristo An identity is more than just a name. Sometimes an identity is the first thing and possible the only thing a person notices about one or the other. A person's identity can represent their culture, their race and sometimes, even possible their family background. My identity is what represents me. For those who does not know me personally but knows my name, knows my identity. This identity is what people will recognize me as for now and possible for ever. When people create different identities, it may be to distort reality. People may create identities to fulfill fantasies or just to impersonate others(in other words, distorting reality). Everyone has done it whether it was from acting in a skit or creating a false photo identification card or just giving someone a fake name. All of those above are different ways of distorting reality and different ways of changing an identity. "The Count of Monte Cristo" is a book which contains few characters but many identities. Edmond Dantes if not the main character, than one of the main characters kind of has a reality dysfunctional problem. In the book, Edmond Dantes creates various identities to fulfill his missions(fantasies). One of the few characters that Edmond Dantes transformed into was Sinbad the Sailor. At the beginning of the book, while Edmond was still Edmond Dantes, he work and pursued his career on a ship. The guy at which he worked for soon became in debt because his shipping business was going out of business. Edmond Dantes payed off this shipping guys debt under the name as Sinbad the Sailor. Edmond accomplished this mission under a different name so his former boss wouldn't know that Edmond Dantes was really the bill savior that Sinbad the Sailor has became. Edmond Dantes changed his identity to pursue, perhaps a fantasy. Edmond wanted to give back to those who gave to him. He changed his identity for the better. He changed it to help out instead of to destroy. Edmond Dantes also took on the identity as a Priest. I would say Edmond miss used the power of a priest because he used his power and the trust of others within him and gather information out of individuals. Most people have trust for priest and Edmond Dantes knew this as he accomplished the transformation from himself to the priest. Identity in The Count of Monte Cristo :: Monte Cristo Identity in The Count of Monte Cristo An identity is more than just a name. Sometimes an identity is the first thing and possible the only thing a person notices about one or the other. A person's identity can represent their culture, their race and sometimes, even possible their family background. My identity is what represents me. For those who does not know me personally but knows my name, knows my identity. This identity is what people will recognize me as for now and possible for ever. When people create different identities, it may be to distort reality. People may create identities to fulfill fantasies or just to impersonate others(in other words, distorting reality). Everyone has done it whether it was from acting in a skit or creating a false photo identification card or just giving someone a fake name. All of those above are different ways of distorting reality and different ways of changing an identity. "The Count of Monte Cristo" is a book which contains few characters but many identities. Edmond Dantes if not the main character, than one of the main characters kind of has a reality dysfunctional problem. In the book, Edmond Dantes creates various identities to fulfill his missions(fantasies). One of the few characters that Edmond Dantes transformed into was Sinbad the Sailor. At the beginning of the book, while Edmond was still Edmond Dantes, he work and pursued his career on a ship. The guy at which he worked for soon became in debt because his shipping business was going out of business. Edmond Dantes payed off this shipping guys debt under the name as Sinbad the Sailor. Edmond accomplished this mission under a different name so his former boss wouldn't know that Edmond Dantes was really the bill savior that Sinbad the Sailor has became. Edmond Dantes changed his identity to pursue, perhaps a fantasy. Edmond wanted to give back to those who gave to him. He changed his identity for the better. He changed it to help out instead of to destroy. Edmond Dantes also took on the identity as a Priest. I would say Edmond miss used the power of a priest because he used his power and the trust of others within him and gather information out of individuals. Most people have trust for priest and Edmond Dantes knew this as he accomplished the transformation from himself to the priest.